Our Approach > Community
Our founder’s lifelong commitment to community lives on in The Rank Network.
We are immensely proud of our supportive Network of over 1,500 leaders working in communities across the UK. Ripples of impact spread through it as members connect to tackle shared challenges; ripples radiate from young leaders as they develop their skills; and ripples spread through communities as strengths are built.
Together, they learn, share and connect to tackle society’s challenges. We build deep and lasting relationships of support with our Network, going beyond traditional funding to philanthropy based on mutual respect, trust and empathy.
Rank’s Network includes past and present Time to Shine leaders, members of the Fellowship, School Leadership Award holders, place-based programme participants and major grant holders.
If you aren’t sure if you’re a part of the Network, please email ranknet@rankfoundation.com
Find out more about our communities
Rank Leaders Action Group
The Rank Leaders Action Group (RLAG) was established in December 2015 to include members of the Network in the Foundation’s decision making.
Maintaining connections, while inspiring and enabling generations of Rank’s Network to make a positive impact on society.
RankNet is our online community platform. It is exclusively for The Rank Network to connect with each other, grow networks of support, share stories, ideas and learning.