News   >   The Rank Foundation to benefit from DCMS funding scheme

The Rank Foundation to benefit from DCMS funding scheme

05 Jul 2024   /   Natalie Kay


The Rank Foundation is to benefit from the government’s DCMS £85 million Covid charity match-funding scheme.

The Rank Foundation is one of nineteen funders, foundations and philanthropists who are partnering with the Government’s Community Match Challenge scheme. The fund is part of the £750 million package of support announced by the Chancellor to support the sector.  The Rank Foundation has been awarded £5 million.

The Rank Foundation will create a new programme, the Time to Shine Covid-19 Resilience Programme, and will distribute a total of £10 million to small and medium-sized charities and social enterprises, primarily to those within their network, RankNet.

The new grants programme will support 200 charities and social enterprises with urgent and immediate financial needs.  Those organisations that are facing unprecedented demand for services or those that are facing a significant reduction income as a result of the pandemic, will benefit from the programme.  In addition, 200 charities and social enterprises will take part in the Time to Shine Leadership Programme, creating new, meaningful jobs when the social sector needs them most.

Time to Shine is a UK wide leadership programme that is run by the Rank Foundation, supported in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund and working with the social sector, where a strong emphasis is placed on personal and professional development. It is designed to address the following:

  • A specific organisational development need, working with a charity or social enterprise.
  • To enable a Time to Shine Leader with the right skills mix, talent, and work ethic, who is currently under-employed to experience a 12-month full-time paid position within a supportive social sector work environment.
  • To provide an opportunity for talented people to consider the social sector as a career of first choice.

Caroline Broadhurst, Deputy CEO of the Rank Foundation stated, ‘we are delighted to be part of this collaborative approach to build resilience within the social sector, in the face of the pandemic.  The dual offer of immediate, short-term and urgent grant funding, combined with an investment in the social sector leaders of tomorrow, through the Time to Shine Programme, will help create the best conditions for charities and social enterprises to not only survive but thrive beyond 2020.’

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